How To Conquer Your Most Powerful Emotion – Anger?

How To Conquer Your Most Powerful Emotion – Anger?

Do you fume when your order takes too long? Do you get angry when your Uber driver arrives late or cancels the cab? Do you feel like a killer when your boss rejects your leave application? Does your blood pressure shoot up when someone keeps on blowing horns even if there is a car in front of you too?

If you got a yes to any of this then you have to start working on your anger management before it’s too late. 

You know anger is the root cause of many health problems and disorders, right? Than what is stopping you from taking control of it?  Just make yourself realize that we do not fume at others subconsciously but do that intentionally. The acceptance of just this thing will make you a lot of good in anger management.

Once you have accepted the fact that I intentionally fume at others, you can then accommodate the following points into your life to get rid of it or at least reduce its occurrence.

1.  Workout

Workout makes you feel free and alive.

Performing any physical activity can do your mind a lot of good in terms of peace and relaxation. It can be in the form of swimming, jogging, lifting weights or even performing a HIIT. The angrier you are, the more intense the workout should be to keep your body and mind in balance. Working out will enhance good-feeling hormone release which will lighten up your mood and no longer will the anger hamper you.

2. Meditate

Meditation- because some questions can’t be answered by Google.

A simple 10-15 minutes meditation practiced daily can do wonders for your body. Just sitting down with legs and arms relaxed and eyes closed while concentrating on your breathing can help you channelize energy within you and eventually help in relaxing your mind. 

3. Take a Break

Taking even a 10-second break can help you out from worsening the situation. Neurologists say that the anger lasts for 2 seconds if it is not triggered again. So whenever you feel you are about to outburst, just stop and take a break or just move out of that place. This will help you re-think everything and you’ll be able to deal with the situation in a far better way.

4. Express Your Anger

Anger if expressed properly can have a positive impact on your life. Keeping anger inside yourself and suppressing it is never a solution, in fact, it will give more power to anger in controlling you. But if you utilize it to do something creative and expressive like dancing, writing or singing, then you can channelize it to build a positive environment inside your head. 

5. Act Opposite

You must have seen those uncles laughing out loud in parks, they are not mad but they are tricking their mind into believing that you are truly happy. You can use it to your advantage too whenever you feel angry. Just smile instead of fuming. Although it is difficult to laugh when you are angry but with continuous efforts, you can do so and once you become habitual of that you’ll see the magic. No longer will the anger take control over you and you’ll feel calm and composed.

Holding on to anger won’t do you anything good. So, please let it go!